A total of 1650 people presenting Balinese girl on a football pitch Pendet GOR Ngurah Rai, Denpasar, on Wednesday (21 / 7) afternoon last. One of the dance of Bali which last year had made Malaysia's tourism advertising illustration, shown as the top opening of the National Student Science Week (Pimnas), which was attended by Education Minister Mohammad Nuh. Dance creation in the 1950s who performed entirely by children kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and students under the auspices of Yayasan Saraswati was listened to not as a welcome dance but appreciated as expressions of artistic, cultural artistic expression of the nation. After staging, the Indonesian Record Museum (Muri) gives an award in art performances are arranged by Balinese choreographer I Nyoman Stories, SST, MFA, is as Pendet mass with the largest number of dancers.
Shown dancing for 6-7 minutes with a cheerful hue under the view of thousands of spectators. Overlay of the dancers looked like puspa Pendet variety flowers in a beautiful garden. Each group of dancers wearing yellow dress, green, red, blue, inviting charm. During his appearance accompanied by Gong Kebyar, knitted by the narrative strands. Beginning with the narrative: "Here, in Bali, art is an offering, exalts the sanctity of art, art to glorify the truth, belch Art beauty, siwam, Satyam, Sundaram". At the end of his appearance with a sprinkling of flowers, highlighted with narration: "Puspa Pendet sown flower colors, from Bali earth ground, sprinkled flower Pendet for world peace."
Jagat art as a medium of communication can be carried by an aesthetic which is considered as a warehouse bersemayamnya cultural meanings. One of the cultural meaning of the art world is harmony and peace. Pendet have sown flower peace to different parts of the world. Seledet him - eye movement to the left and right in Balinese dance - have been ogling international community from California to Tokyo. Sekar Jaya, a dance and Balinese gamelan group consisting of Americans, since the 1980's had to dance and play the accompaniment pasih Pendet. In Tokyo, the Japanese artist who joined in the dance and Balinese gamelan group Sekar Jepun has also been frequently perform a welcome dance from the island resort.
In Indonesia alone, Pendet not only sow peace on the island of Bali. In Jakarta, for example, Pendet has studied and performed since the 1970s. Dance studios that reveals the big cities such as Surabaya and Medan make Pendet as compulsory basic training materials Balinese dance. Saraswati in Bali Cultural Institute, based in Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) Jakarta, its members not only learn the dance show, but also practically required to explore the gamelan accompaniment. Also, how the historical and cultural background of Balinese arts, including dance Pendet, also inserted as a complement to cultural insight.
Pendet created by I Wayan Rindi at Banjar Bees Sumerta, Denpasar, Bali before the tourists crowded as now. What motivation Wayan Rindi initiated the creation of dance groups that brought womenfolk are not unclear. Indeed, a hotel that has stood in the 1940s in the heart of Denpasar on Rindi its heyday as an artist devoted to the performing arts association, which was delivered by men-has begun to perform commercially Balinese performing arts to its guests. But certainly, was asked to upload their work and a welcome dance, not only in the context of the performing arts but also common turistik be presented dance performances, art exhibition opening gig in the middle of communality Balinese society.
Source of inspiration Pendet birth is a sacred ritual in a temple called Odalan mamendet or mendet. Mendet procession took place after the pastor proclaimed mantra puja and after-theater staging sidakarya masks philosophically legitimate sacred religious ceremony. Almost every large to small temple in Bali along with mamendet activity. In several large temples like Pura Besakih is situated at the foot of Mount Agung is usually specifically show rite mamendet with Pendet Line dance. This dance is performed in pairs or in mass by men with equipment to bring offerings and flowers.
Mendet activities that are etymologically derived from Mendak (welcome), the dancers are not always prepared in particular, generally can be performed by all participants, men and women young and old. When the gamelan was chanting gising papendetan, those who want ngayah mendet sincerely-dancing - will alternately appear in the page holy temple, can be solo, in pairs, or also mass. A grandfather can with passion to bring offerings and flowers dancing improvisatoris interact with accents gamelan. An old grandmother no warning suddenly rose with lively berlenggak sway with nan innocent expression. Adolescents who are energetic also often be seen mamendet with dancing really really. Everything is done in the frame of art as a meaningful gift with joy to welcome the presence of the gods.
Departing from tradition mamendet in religious activity that led to the creativity of art that became known as Pendet. Many years after the presence Pendet, religious ritual that accompanied the presentation of sacred art back into the source of inspiration birth several types of dance welcome in the following years. After the emergence of dance creation Gabor I Gusti Raka of Saba, in 1971 reveals the work of I Wayan Panyembrama Beratha which is still popular, staged as the opening dance. If Pendet, Gabor, and Panyembrana is the kind of daughter dance, dance of welcome that is named Puspawresti (1981) the work of I Wayan Dibia displays the character's son and daughter dance. The era of the 1990s led to dance and dance Puspanjali Sekar Jagat creation NLN Swasthi Bandem Widjaja, dance Strait Segara work I Gusti Ayu Srinatih.
Pendet and flower color is a welcome dance, aesthetically and culturally is a presentation of Balinese culture. If Malaysia really had time to recognize the cultural arts Pendet as this certainly is a very funny pendakuan. Pendet is a ritual that arranged into artistic expression (dance Pendet) in sanggaan aesthetic values, ethics, philosophical Balinese Hinduism. Therefore, Bali will not lose Pendet, especially the root and source of inspiration is still very strong as a rite that was escorted by reverence. As Indonesia sub culture of dance, this dance has become a bridge of tolerance plurality expression of our culture. As an aesthetic and cultural value of the archipelago, Pendet been ogling the world, to sow universal communication with global nations.
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