Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Areas of Islamic Art

a) Writing Khat
The art of handwriting is a science that introduces single-letter forms, preparation and ways merangkainya be a structured writing. Khat is the art of beautiful writing that has values subtlety and artistry. High value kerana dirobah It is easy to follow writing, even writing as if it has a rhythm. He also was based on subjects related to religion and used to write the verses of the holy and wise words clever (hukama ').
Art handwriting evolved with the development of art carved and sometimes both of these arts should not be separated from one another. He also becomes beautiful writing graffiti art rather than a sense of subtlety and sharpness of the power of human thought that creating literary art as a symbol of the spoken word. Perbezaannya with other letters are in terms of its beauty, easy dirobah, propped up the matter pertaining to religion and used to write scriptures.

Khat Art Interests
1. She has crocheted denganpeningkatan civilization stage itself. Therefore it is the result of forward and bertamadun aktiviti community.
2. One purpose of the Prophet Mohammed PBUH saranan Muslims to read and write the verses of the Koran as well. And in this way again difikrkan to facilitate their study and memorize.
3. The beauty of writing is a softness and subtlety of thought and finger flavor of the author.
4. Rasulallah s.a.w promote the writing of handwriting. Word Rasullah intent: "You shall heed the art of handwriting faucet narata It is a key provision."
5. Saidina Ali once said: "Serikan your children with science writing kerana literary art is the most crucial matter and menyeronokkan".
Khat Art Types
Islamic Tamudun KAA with art, his handwriting was also identified as sei handwriting. Contain adequate Khatnya eight main model and in addition is a branch of the eight-eight of this model. Kufi handwriting of which is primary, Thuluth, Nasakh, Pharisees, Riq'ah, Diwani, Diwani Jali and Raihani.
Khat Kufi comes dai Kufa. At the time this handwriting Abasiah used as decoration on various building mosques, government, dome or minaret call to prayer and is written in the form of bas-relief.
Khat Thuluth mostly used just for decoration as in mashaf thmani (al-Quran), a book or books and for other purposes.
Nasakh Khat is the most widely used writing in the writing of books concerning religion. This kerana writing this type legible handwriting, clearly and not confuse
Khat Pharisees originally developed in Persia (Persian). Form letters are skewed slightly to the right. He mostly used for literary writing, the names and editorial articles in magazines and letters khabar. Authorship is usually written in Urdu with this handwriting.
Khat Riq'ah can be written quickly. Therefore he often used for the purpose of divulging correspondence and used by students and Universiti madrassa to take lecture notes.
Khat Diwani. Diwani bring erties catatanatau essay anthologies. Pemerinatahan emasa widely used around the year 1220H Khedewy Sultan in Egypt. He used to write letters such as letters of agreement Rasmi, a letter of appreciation and so forth. Its function is also as decoration.
Khat Diwani Jali. Juka compared with Diwani handwriting, he has more shape, complex writing, more beautiful and estatik. He composed in the form of a boat, fish, birds and so forth.
Khat Raihani thuluth almost like handwriting, the letters rather wide and long and plus signs syakal.

b) Writing (Letters)
When the art of writing is associated with arts kesusatetraan Ula. Art literature sememangnya received a very warm welcome among the Muslims and Islam It is happening kerana kesusateraan bersumberkan al-Quran and al-Sunna, which al-Quran literature can be seen from two aspects namely the beauty of language and in terms of its contents. Here can be seen that free or donation kesusateraan results that berteraskan al-Quran and al-Sunnah has led to crowded the idolaters who had converted to Islam only when hearing the Koran. Examples of al-Walid l-Mugheerah which is a famous poet in the time jaahiliyyah and the sharpest critics of Rasulallah Allah, Umar al-Khattab and Labid, Rabiah and Jubair bin Mat'am.
Quraan has triumphed crippling arrogance and kejaguhan sasterawan segu beauty of Arabic language and even more amazing kesusteraan again It is not simple thrill those who understand Arabic periadi even across borders, language, ancestry, culture, geography, rank and so forth. Kesusteraan Islam spread by Rasulallah first saw and continue berkemabang at the time of caliphs al-Rashidin, Umaiyah and Abbasids. Besides al-Quran, Islam's work also includes the poem kesusteraan, Rubai ', Burdah, Prose and so forth.
c) Painting and Statue (Carving)
Art paintings and statues are also dkenali as fine art. Various items of art produced for jewelry consist of gold, trees and stone are expensive and delicate carvings eni perabut inijuga found in the house, dishes, books porters, tile, pottery, leaf doors, tombs, ivory and others. Fine art is also found on the following objects including wooden carvings and a lot of metal is obtained at the time of the Fatimid empire. Preferred metals are usually colored gold, silver and copper for example in the eyes wang syiling, kettle, water marks, jars, and cap iron furnace of war. So is art seramik which also contained on the plate when the art of embroidery and pottery made in a fabric like cloth decorate the walls, permaidani mat, prayer rug, woven silk goods and so forth. Decorative arts also are usually shaped like kerawag, lamps and other forms of geometry on the dome and others.
Ula began painting at the time of Caliph Muawiyah in Damascus and he was listed on the bias strands safhah a-Quran is decorated with flower painting and drawing style shaped araesque with a choice of gold color, the history books are adorned with pictures of beautiful color like the book of al-chronicle Syahnama and book saga alfun alLaial and story books. Islamic painting usually terhad to the natural beauty of painting and does not include animate objects such idol yan haiwan may be, god or idol.

d) Art coachee.
Another Islamic art is the art building where menapai It is an amazing stage. Art bina intends to establish an arts building, they form a cooked by humans. According to Ibn Khaldun is the art of building one instead of the main principles of civilization's most yag is a symbol or a manifestation rather than something civilization. Accordingly, based on this achievement, the majesty and the height of something civilization can be measured. The proof-daat seen through the civilization of the great ancient civilization. At that time, the art of building a quality produced and still more wujd waluun in a form that has been worn out and nearly collapsed.
Aspects of Islamic art's most important building to be considered art iala bina mosque. This is kerana Islam has laid a place of worship as the most important cri sesebuah airports. It can be noticed than when the king saw sirah Rasullah emigrated to Medina, the first case the king did was to find a suitable site to build a mosque. The first mosque to be lanmbang aqidah strength, unity and the combination of the Muslims. The first mosque was established in Medina Masjid al-Nabawi is used by SQW as a central Rasulallah tarbiah (education) and pentadbiran in formulating economic strategy, civilization, wars and so forth. Selari with future developments and its interests, the mosque ekemudiannya developed and beautified with various decorative elements-ornamentif based on cultural background persekitaran Muslims.
Art bina mosque became a symbol of greatness compared with western civilization, kerana ketamadunan elements developed in the Islamic holy cities concerned with spiritual values and at the same time the physical development dankebendaan not marginalized. Dalamseni important concept of Islam is the achievement of community development and charitable faith, taqwa and tawadhu ', safe and peaceful and humble heart to the greatness of Allah swt Collateralization and erhiasan not be matlamat bina Islamic art, but kerana mat kreativiti and innovation, the artists and arkitek Muslim, he became a high-value art disepadukan joint use of pattern, color and shape eka made based on the teachings of the Koran. Art interests bina Islam mosque in bandar ago there were 241 pieces illustrated with the mosque. In Kaherah the 15th century AD there are also 88 Jamek Mosque (mosque uatama) and 19 small mosques
In terms of depth and superficial strktur mosque, some cases can dilhat asek especially from the pulpit, Qibla direction, the seat of the priest, erkumpul space, pliers and the main pillar, anjug and foyer, sanctuary, where berwuduk, tower where the muezzin call to prayer melaungkan, domes and other forth again. Perkaraperkara karektiristik SEBI bin i is a mosque that shows the separate keuhikannya compared with other art-bina. In addition, the art of building mosques explores many forms of blat, which is the most perfect form of mencerminan softness and subtlety as he was not berkesedahan.
Aside from the mosque, Islamic art also coached merangkumi residence buildings, shops, jambatan, saluranair, house break, cubicle shower, libraries, schools and so forth. Art bina characterize the symbol of Islam and monotheism to Allah swt based and focuses on their form of Islam is heavily influenced by the art of building mosques like the palaces, taj Mahal, kta cities such as Baghdad, even in Malaysia itself seerti Sultan Abdul Samad building, the building kerertapi Malay land, buildings and earth resources Ehsan Dar gate.
e) Art Muzik (voice, song and sound)
Between the entertainment that can comfort the soul and soothe the heart and soothe telnga is singing. It is permissible by Islam while not interfered lirij-lyrics koto, obscene and that can lead to acts of sin and with the tida Muzik arousal circumcision even entertainment is like on holidays, perkhawinan, aqiqah and time of the birth of a baby. Instead of 'A'ishah that unlicensed when he brought his bride to the Ansar, the Prophet asked: "O Aisha! Whether they are accompanied by an entertainment? For now the Ansar avid of entertainment."
There is no Arabic word which may diertikadengan British term "Muzik" comprehensive. Oxford Student Encyclopedia mentadbirkan Muzik as sound, arranged in a delicate pattern may be heard or who gave birth to fee. › School Work
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