Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


          The origin     Nod Art is one of the many kinds of folk arts in Yogyakarta Special Region. Art nod shaped dance accompanied by folk rhyme-rhyme that contains the various aspects of human life, such as: relationships in social life, manners, advice and education. In this art also recited or sung phrases that exist in the book Tlodo, which though written in Arabic script, but the songs are sung in rhythm with the crooked Java. Hymns are sung alternately between dancers and escort tetabuhan. In addition, there is one thing that is very interesting in this art, that is the player who "ndadi" or experience of trance at the time of peak pementasannya. Some people believe that the dancers head of Yogyakarta that can "ndadi" has a "talisman" obtained from the interpreter-lock pesarean Begelen, Purworejo.
    Dance nod estimated emerged since the time Belanda1, as an expression of gratitude for God kapada after rice harvest. To celebrate, the young people having fun with singing, dancing while nodding his head. From here then gave birth to an art called a "nod". Common nod Dance held at the pavilion or in the yard at night. The audience is no charge for art performances nod generally financed by people who currently have the intent (of marriage, the celebration of August 17's and others).
    The types of Nod and Players The dance is presented in the arts nod consists of two types, namely: (1) ambyakan dance, dance nod is played by many dancers. Ambyakan dance consists of three kinds: devotional dance, dance dance srokal and closing, and (2) dance partner, is a nod dance that is played in pairs. Dance partner of eight kinds, namely: mandaroka dance, dance kamudaan, dance cikalo ado, dance-layung layung, dance-intik intik, I dance around, dance the streets, and dance robisari.
   At first nod only played by men only. However, in the subsequent development of this dance is also played by women. The players are wearing head dress consisting of two kinds, namely clothing worn by the dancers and the clothing worn by the escort. Clothing worn by a group of dancers fashion similar to the Dutch VOC soldiers, namely: (1) long-sleeved black shirt that punggunya chest and ornate small folds of fabric that extends well as winding, (2) knee-length pants are decorated pellet vertical red and white on the outside, (3) black hat with brim was given a red cloth and white and yellow gold. The front of this cap uses the "crest" which is made from horse tail hair or feathers; (3) scarves are used as insulation between the shirt and pants, (4) sunglasses, (5) knee socks, red or yellow; and (6) colorful vest. While the clothing worn by the escort group are: (1) clothes (2) jacket, (3) gloves, and (4) cap.
   Musical instrument used to accompany dance Nod are: (1) drums, (2) drum, (3) drums, (4) kencreng; (5) tambourine 2 pieces, (6) big fly and (6) Jedor.
   Cultural Values Art is basically anything containing the value of aesthetics, including the art of dance angguk.yang existed among the people of Yogyakarta. However, if observed carefully this art just aesthetic value and function as mere entertainment. However, justuru who become his spirit is the value of gratitude to god. In this context it is grateful to Almighty God for generous (give abundant harvests.) (Gufron)
Source: Release Coordination Team of the Directorate General of Culture. 1992. Khasanah Athletics Culture Nusantara IV. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture.
http://www.korantempo.com http://www.kr.co.id http://id.wikipedia.org http://telebos.com

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